What is my level? Page 1 of 6 Have you played ping pong before? Never, or very little. A few times, but it is difficult to hit the ball on the table consistently. I have been playing for a while now. I am not yet an expert, but I am definitely not a beginner either. I know ping pong like the back of my hand and beat nearly everyone I play against. Page 2 of 6 How many times can you bounce the ball on your paddle backhand? What's a backhand? Sometimes I can do 10. More than ten, but usually less than 100. One hundred or more. Page 3 of 6 Can you serve a ping pong ball to the same location ten times in a row? Sometimes, but not often. Usually, but my serves do not have very much spin. Yes, and I can do it with a few types of service attacks. Yes, with underspin, sidespin, and / or backspin, using multiple types of service attacks. Page 4 of 6 How many times can you bounce the ball on the handle of your paddle? One or two. Sometimes I can do a few, but usually less than ten. More than ten. More than fifty. Page 5 of 6 Can you hit a shot between the legs or behind the back? Maybe, but the ball would probably miss the table. Sometimes, but not consistently. Most of the time, and it usually goes where I was aiming. If I was only able to hit between the leg or behind the back shots, I would still beat nearly everyone I play. Page 6 of 6 How many of these ping pong service attacks do you recognize?(1.) Pendulum; (2.) Reverse Pendulum; (3.) Backhand; (4.) Tomahawk; (5.) Reverse Tomahawk One or two, but I don't know what they mean. One or two, but I am still working on adding spin and speed to my service attacks. A few, and I can serve and return the ones I know without effort practically every time. I know how to serve and return all five, plus I know a few more trick serves. Ready to sendEmail Address *First Name *Consent *Please email me a copy of my quiz results and ping pong info suitable for my skill level.Start QuizPlease do not fill in this field.
(1.) Pendulum; (2.) Reverse Pendulum; (3.) Backhand; (4.) Tomahawk; (5.) Reverse Tomahawk
Please email me a copy of my quiz results and ping pong info suitable for my skill level.